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Promo 最新優惠
這個聖誕節,給自己和親朋好友送上最特別的禮物!即日起至1月5日,連續12日,每日會有指定兩件皮具產品,包括手袋、銀包、皮帶等,即可享受半價優惠!不需優惠碼 ,輕鬆購物,享受節日的歡樂,快來選購,讓這個聖誕節更加精彩吧!✨ 優惠受條款約束,如有任何爭議,本店保留最終決定權。
疫情已經結束,但都要保護好自己,不容鬆懈!蓮花庭也出一分力,現與本店購物滿$300,即送一包5個裝韓國製 Easy-Care KF94 3D 口罩;購物滿$500,會送兩包,不需另外登記,符合條件,即會自動送出。貨量有限,送完即止。 您可摁 這裏 或下面的圖片開始購物!
專業印字服務!Unique Monogramming Service!
想擁有自己名字或代號的手袋及配飾? 絕對無難度!蓮花庭因應客戶要求,為您提供壓字服務 - 將您的名字壓印(包括鋁箔壓印)在手袋或配飾的適當位置。個人風格就係咁簡單!
Want to have your unique handbag or accessories with your name or code on it? No problem!!! From now on, we can do it professionally at Lotusting eShop. All you need to do is to let us know the name or code to deboss, our professional staff will do it for you at the appropriate location. Personalization could never be so easy!.
窩心的禮遇、獨特的體驗 Beyond Your Expectation
Yes, Beyond your expectation of ordinary shopping! For every of your purchase in our store, we will provide a special carefully selected FREE gift for you, such as bag charm, silk scarf, or leather cleaning glove, which can give your handbag a much-needed fashionable uplift! We have plenty of gift choices in our store, so the more you purchase the more or more luxurious gift we will attentively select for you. Shop now and enjoy the extraordinary shopping experience!.
寫評語,賺庭幣,購物多樂趣 Write Reviews, Earn Lotus Coins, and Happy Shopping !
產品及購物的評語對顧客係非常重要,可以做為購物決定的參考,所以為咗鼓勵顧客多啲寫評語,我哋現在推出寫評語賺庭幣的推廣:每寫一個評語就會賺取五個庭幣,可用於本店任何產品,絕無附加條件,而且庭幣可以纍積,用於將來購物,絕對划算,又幫人又實惠!您每寫一個評語,系統會將相應的庭幣存入您的戶口。關於庭幣的具體使用方法,請摁 這裏 瞭解詳情。當然,本店對評語有最終的審核權,不相關或者是附有有攻擊性或誹謗成分的評語,不會顯示,也不會換取庭幣。希望你哋多啲寫評語啦!想瞭解如何寫評語,請摁 這裏。
We all know that customers' views on their purchase are very helpful for customers to make a purchase decision, so to encourage our customers to write more reviews, we are now launching a new scheme to earn Lotus Coins for your reviews, which can be accumulated and used in your future purchase without any attached condition. For each of your reviews, you will earn 5 Lotus Coins, which is equivalent to 5 HK dollars, and the Coins will be automatically saved to your account. The more reviews you write, the more Coins you will earn. For details of the use of our Lotus Coins, please click Here. Our eShop has the final say of your reviews: those irrelevant or reviews with defamation nature will not be published, or be used for exchange of Coins. Please click Here to know how to write reviews.
贈送真皮清潔海綿或手套優惠 Free Cleaning Sponge or Glove
機不可失!現選購任何真皮護理產品,本店會因應贈送精美實用的清潔海綿或純棉手套,適合一般日常清潔打理,多買多送,優惠期有限,送完即止,快啲把握機會啦!本店會因應購買產品的類別或數量而贈送清潔海綿或手套,顧客如有特別要求,也可以向我們提出。方法很簡單,衹要您購買相應贈送護理海綿或手套,一起送貨給您,您也可將相應的清潔海綿/手套 放入購物袋内,方便快捷!話你聼,手袋一定要經常清潔,出邊咁圬濁,衫要日日洗,可手袋咁貼身,你有否經常清潔及殺菌處理呢?尤其係香港時冷時熱,時乾時濕啲環境,手袋的清潔和護理係好重要嘅。
Great limited-time offer! From now on, with any purchase of our leather care products, you will get our fabulous cleaning sponge or cotton glove for FREE! The more you purchase, the more FREE items you get, while stocks last. Simply order any leather care product, we will send the appropriate cleaning sponge or glove to you with your purchase, nice and easy. Alternatively, you may also put the corresponding item into the shopping cart. We will select sponge or glove at our discretion, but you have any preferences, please let us know.
會員庭幣 Lotus Coins
登記成爲會員,每次購物均可獲得積分,換取庭幣,並於蓮花庭店當現金使用。換取率高達 5% (指定產品可達 10% 換取率), 例如購買滿HK$100(折扣後),即可獲5個庭幣。我們更不時推出特別優惠,讓您賺取庭幣。累積的庭幣可於購物時扣減消費金額,1個庭幣當港幣$1使用。每次購物後,相應庭幣會自動存入您的戶口,並在下次購物時選擇使用,絕無附加條件。關於庭幣的具體使用方法,請摁 這裡 查詢。
The Lotus Coins Program allows you to earn points for your purchase up to 5% (10% for selected items) at LotusTing eShop with no condition attached. One Lotus Coin is equivalent to 1 HK dollar. The Coins can be accumulated, and We will also offer many promotions for you to earn extra Lotus Coins. To know more about Lotus Coins, please click here.
讚好專頁 HK$50 優惠 Like Us on Facebook
如果您讚好我們 LOTUSTING Leather Handbags Facebook 專頁,可獲得 HK$50 一次性優惠奍。我們會在您讚好之後透過 Facebook 的信息發給您。如果過程有延誤而導致您收不到優惠碼,請及時跟我們聯絡,我們會盡快發給您。使用讚好優惠碼,您需要首先登入本店,選購總值HK$300 或以上的貨品,在 Checkout/Shopping Cart 網頁的 Discount Code 欄輸入優惠碼,再摁 Apply 就可以啦。此優惠可以和本店其它優惠同時享用 (除咗登記禮券),絕對超值。請摁 這裡 了解優惠碼的具體使用方法。
When you Like us on LOTUSTING Leather Handbags Hong Kong Facebook page, you will get an one-OFF HKD50 coupon for $300 or above purchase at Lotusting.com. We will send you the Code through Facebook Message. However, if there is a delay that you couldn't receive the Code, please let us know, and we will send you right away. To use the Code, you need first to login, and at Checkout page, please enter the Code in the Discount Code field, and click [Apply]. You can click here to find the details of applying the discount codes.
免費幫您送禮物給友人並附上精美祝福卡 Free Gift Card Service
您可以在本店購物,然後通過我們送禮物給友人,甚至是送給自己又未嘗不可。LOTUSTING.com 免費提供此服務。您只要在結帳時, 選 ADD GIFT OPTION, 再附上祝福語句就可以啦。我們會將您的祝福語寫在我們精心挑選的精美別致的禮物卡上面,當您的朋友收到禮物時就可以收到您誠意的祝福。目前,我們還沒有提供特別的禮物包裝服務,如果您有這方面的要求,請一定跟我們提出喔,我們會不斷改進我們的服務的,保證您滿意就是我們的宗旨。要了解選送禮物的具體操作,請摁 這裡。
If your purchase is a gift for your friend (or for yourself, why not), we can provide such GIFT services for free. All you need to do it to check the "Add Gift" option when you check out the order, and leave a greeting note. We will then put your greeting note onto a delicate Gift card, and send with your purchase. Right now, we don't provide special gift packing service. However, if you require such services, please let us know. We will continuously upgrade our services to keep you 100% satisfied. If you need to know the detailed procedure of the Gift Option, please click here.
清新花草信筏 |
精緻雕花信卡紙 | |
長條型花草優質印花紙筏 | 清爽綠葉信卡紙筏 |
售後服務 After Sale Services
提供手袋護理及皮具保養的咨詢服務。如果遇上皮革問題, 可以拍下照片,向我們查詢護理方案。
We provide consultation service for your purchases at LOTUSTING.com on leather care and repair. During delivery, all our items will be packed in solid gift boxes with dust bags, packing papers, and dehumidifier bags. However, if you have problems or queries on leather care of your leather items, please let's know, and we will try all our best to assist you free of charge.
會員通訊 Newsletter
LOTUSTING.com 作為真皮時尚品牌, 我們會透過會員通訊定時向會員發放各種時裝及皮革保養資訊,當然少不了優惠產品介紹, 以及最新/即將上架的貨品和推廣優惠等。您只需要在我們的網店的右下角的 [會員通訊] / Newsletter 的欄目填上您的電郵地址就可加入。請按 這裡 瀏覽我們最新一期的會員通訊。
Being a fashion store, LOTUSTING.com regularly send newsletter to members on fashion news, leather care, and essentially the new promotions as well as the new arrivals and coming events etc. To subscribe to our newsletter, all you need to do is to fill up the Newsletter field at the bottom-right of our store with your email. You may click here to take a look at the current issue of our Newsletter.
成爲我們的會員 Become a Member
以上是我們 LOTUSTING.com 目前提供的主要優惠,我們會不斷更新,推出更好更實惠的優惠。快D按 這裡 加入蓮花庭的大家庭。成爲我們的會員,不需任何費用和附帶條件,可以盡享所有提供的優惠,更可以累積會員積分換領禮物及收到最新購物或生活資訊享受購物的樂趣!您可以按下面的附圖連接了解詳情:
The above are the current benefits/promotions that LOTUSTING.com is offering, and we will keep on running more new and attractive promotions, and make you really benefit from them. Do act Now, and click here to join us! There is absolutely no obligations involved to be a member, and you can immediately enjoy all the benefits, and have fun to shop with us!